Fairview Park City Schools will ask voters to renew a long-standing operating levy on November 8th, 2022. This is NOT a tax increase.
The FRIENDS OF THE FAIRVIEW PARK CITY SCHOOLS are leading a campaign in support of
Here's What You Need to Know:
Passage of Issue 7 will ensure that students continue to receive the same support they are currently receiving from:
• Classroom teachers, educational classroom aides and tutors • Nurses, counselors, librarians and support staff • Programs for students • Student transportation • Resources for addressing individual student learning needs. |
Frequently Asked Questions:
The 2016 levy was a bond and permanent improvement levy used only for new building construction and renovation. In 2020, residents passed a new operating levy supporting educational programs and activities.
The 2016 levy was a bond and permanent improvement levy used only for new building construction and renovation. In 2020, residents passed a new operating levy supporting educational programs and activities.
The term “emergency” refers to a specific type of levy, defined by the state. An emergency levy collects only the specific dollar amount initially approved by voters.
The term “emergency” refers to a specific type of levy, defined by the state. An emergency levy collects only the specific dollar amount initially approved by voters.
Because this is an emergency levy, if property values increase, the specific dollar amount generated by this “emergency” levy remains fixed. The county will reduce the effective millage to collect only the dollar amount for which it was approved in 2003.
Because this is an emergency levy, if property values increase, the specific dollar amount generated by this “emergency” levy remains fixed. The county will reduce the effective millage to collect only the dollar amount for which it was approved in 2003.
Here's What You'll See On Your Ballot:
Proposed Tax Levy
Fairview Park City School District
A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage.
Shall a levy renewing an existing levy be imposed by the Fairview Park City School District for the purpose of providing for the emergency requirements of the School District in the sum of $2,690,000 and a levy of taxes to be made outside of the ten-mill limitation estimated by the County Fiscal Officer to average 6.6 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to 66 cents for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for a period of ten years, commencing in 2023, first due in calendar year 2024?
Propuesta para Recaudación de Impuestos
Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Fairview Park
Se requiere un voto afirmativo por mayoría para su aprobación.
¿Deberá el Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Fairview Park renovar un impuesto existente con el fin de cubrir los requerimientos de emergencia del Distrito Escolar en la cantidad de $2,690,000 y realizar una recaudación de impuestos fuera del límite de diez milésimos estimado por el Funcionario Fiscal del Condado para promediar 6.6 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 66 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por un período de diez años, comenzando en el 2023, con su primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2024?
Proposed Tax Levy
Fairview Park City School District
A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage.
Shall a levy renewing an existing levy be imposed by the Fairview Park City School District for the purpose of providing for the emergency requirements of the School District in the sum of $2,690,000 and a levy of taxes to be made outside of the ten-mill limitation estimated by the County Fiscal Officer to average 6.6 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to 66 cents for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for a period of ten years, commencing in 2023, first due in calendar year 2024?
Propuesta para Recaudación de Impuestos
Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Fairview Park
Se requiere un voto afirmativo por mayoría para su aprobación.
¿Deberá el Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Fairview Park renovar un impuesto existente con el fin de cubrir los requerimientos de emergencia del Distrito Escolar en la cantidad de $2,690,000 y realizar una recaudación de impuestos fuera del límite de diez milésimos estimado por el Funcionario Fiscal del Condado para promediar 6.6 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 66 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por un período de diez años, comenzando en el 2023, con su primer vencimiento en el año calendario del 2024?
But wait... the ballot language says there is an emergency. What's going on?
This term “Emergency” as used on the November ballot is a legal term defined by the state of Ohio. There is no actual emergency. “Emergency” levies raise a flat dollar amount (in this case $2.69 million) instead of a specific millage rate.
This term “Emergency” as used on the November ballot is a legal term defined by the state of Ohio. There is no actual emergency. “Emergency” levies raise a flat dollar amount (in this case $2.69 million) instead of a specific millage rate.
Paid for by the Friends of the Fairview Park City Schools
Helen Weeber, Treasurer
4385 West 202 Street, Fairview Park, OH 44126
Helen Weeber, Treasurer
4385 West 202 Street, Fairview Park, OH 44126